This article is more than 1 year old

It's July 2020, and your PC or Mac can be pwned by a dodgy Photoshop file – Adobe emits critical patch batch

Major fixes for Bridge and Prelude, too, plus Reader Android updated

A week after July's Patch Tuesday, Adobe has released out-of-band security updates for vulnerabilities in four of its products – and most of them are considered to be critical in severity.

Users and admins will want to want to get the patches in place as soon as possible as all but one allow for arbitrary code execution at the level of the current user. Fortunately, Adobe says it has not received any word of the holes being targeted in the wild yet.

The patch batch includes five critical bugs in Photoshop for both Windows and macOS allowing for code execution. Three are the result of an out-of-bounds write blunder (CVE-2020-9684, CVE-2020-9685, CVE-2020-9687) while the other two are out-of-bounds read bugs (CVE-2020-9683 CVE-2020-9686). Users will want to update to version 20.0.10 or later on Photoshop CC 2019 and 21.2.1 or later on Photoshop CC.

Those running Adobe Bridge asset management code for Windows and macOS will want to make sure they get patches for three critical code execution flaws. CVE-2020-9674 and CVE-2020-9676 are out-of-bounds write flaws, while CVE-2020-9675 is caused by an out-of-bounds read. Updated versions are 10.1.1 and later.

For those running Adobe Prelude on Windows or macOS, an update brings four critical fixes. Two are out-of-bounds read (CVE-2020-9677, CVE-2020-9679,) and two are of of bounds write (CVE-2020-9678, CVE-2020-9680.) Updated versions will be 9.0.1 or later.


This week of never-ending security updates continue. Now Apple emits dozens of fixes for iOS, macOS, etc


Finally, there's an update for Reader Mobile on Android though it addresses a bug not believed to be as serious as the others. The directory traversal flaw (CVE-2020-9663) could potentially allow for information disclosure and has been classified as an important-level risk. To get the patch, update to version 20.3 or later.

Credit for the discovery and reporting of all but one of the flaws went to researcher Mat Powell via Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative. The last bug (directory traversal in Reader Mobile) was credited to researcher fatal0.

The out-of-band fixes come just one week after Adobe, Microsoft, and other companies dropped a massive bundle of patches on users and admins are part of the Patch Tuesday festivities.

In Adobe's case, five updates were listed for various offerings including Creative Cloud, Cold Fusion, Download Manager, Genuine Services, and Media Encoder. Just two of those flaws (for Media Encoder and Download Manager) could allow for code execution. ®

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